Thank you all for helping Early Years keep a healthy and constant fresh supply of play dough. Please be sure to mark your calendars with your personal play dough delivery time.
Here is the recipe:
It is important that the dough is thoroughly cooked to avoid it going moldy too soon. Also be very meticulous about the measurements of the ingredients, especially if you are doubling the amount! don't forget to double the salt! - something that has happen too often to me :) Please be reminded that we need the play-dough for both classrooms, EY3 & 4 so you will need to the double amount.
A few tips:
- teach you home helpers how to make it :)
- add some essence such as mint, or orange :)
- be creative with the colouring - i.e. mix red and blue to make purple :)
- throw in some glitter :)
- use a blender to make the mixture!
What flour should be use?
Any! some people even use rice flour for children with gluten sensitivity; however, we do not have that problem in EY this year.
Where can I find cream of tartar, and food colouring?
I suggests any time you head to Tesco Lotus, you stock up on it from there. You will find it in the aisle with the backing items in the rack with food extracts, jello, and jams. Both cream of tartar and food colouring are in the same space.
Should I use a specific kind of oil?
No, no specific type, however it's best to choose something that do not have a strong smell. Sunflower oil is quite neutral, but the cheap palm oil works fine also. I wouldn't use olive oil, though.
At what point do I add the colour?
Add the food colouring to the blended mixture before cooking.
Hope this helps! Happy workout!
(the mixing gets tough towards the end and makes a good arm workout :)
In case you are wondering - this is cream of tartar :)
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